Look What Happens When You ROC!

Wheelchair Distribution In Nepal
Never in a million years did I expect the life lessons I would learn on my wheelchair distribution in Nepal this past April. I had spent the previous months working with ROC Wheels and the Center for Disabled Children’s Assistance (CDCA) in Nepal to provide their kids with eight wheelchairs.
The barriers seemed insurmountable, but I just kept putting one foot in front of the other, hoping in the end, everything would come together. I kept envisioning the children’s faces as they received their new wheelchairs as the fuel to keep driving forward. However, once I arrived at the CDCA in Nepal, wheelchairs in tow, I realized how life changing this would be not just for the kids, but their parents.
I watched the face of Bishnu Maya Neu Pane’s mother, when I realized how hard life had been for her and her daughter. Bishnu has cerebral palsy and for years her mother has carried her on her back. She had nowhere safe to put her beautiful child down, so she just carried her on her back. Day in and day out, Bishnu went everywhere with her Mom.
As Bishnu began getting fitted for her new wheelchair, I couldn’t help but notice the pure joy and happiness that her mother was experiencing. She now had a safe, clean place to put her daughter down and one that would help with her condition. As a parent myself, I could not only see her happiness, but I could feel the joy she was experiencing.

Witnessing Joy
Witnessing this joy in its purest form made me realize I had never considered what this would mean to the parents. These parents have been caring for their disabled children without all the necessities that we take for granted here in the states. I couldn’t imagine how helpless the parents must feel in taking care their disabled child in a developing country, not being able to provide the mobility that would make everyone’s lives better.
During this small delivery of eight wheelchairs, I got the simple satisfaction of helping these amazing parents meet a very basic need for their beautiful children. Mobility.
This work is only possible because of you. Please make a gift today, because so many other children like Bishnu depend on you. With your help, their wishes can come true.
Eric Donoho