Unleashing New Life

Boy in new wheelchair at the Mexico distribution

Joining ROC Wheels

When asked to join the ROC board in 2022, I immediately knew this was a unique organization. I also immediately knew that I must be part of a team to deliver chairs someday. When the opportunity came up to go on a distribution in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, I did not hesitate. I knew these chairs would change the lives of the children who received them, and I knew my life would also be forever changed. 

First – these are not regular wheelchairs that have simply been made smaller to fit smaller bodies. Rather, these custom built chairs are designed for ROC Wheels and adjusts in dozens of ways to fit the unique needs of each child. As no two children are the same, their mobility devices must be custom fit. Each chair is adaptable and can even grow as the children grow.

Dignity And Care

Second – the ROC team overwhelmed my heart with their compassion, expertise, and sheer devotion to the work they do. Each child, each family, is treated with kindness and respect throughout the process. Through translators and physical therapists, each family can tell their story and the steps for fitting and instructions for use are explained – again, specific to the unique needs of their child. Someone from the team measures each child and fits them to their new chair with dignity and care.

Third – the transformation that occurs within these children is something words cannot accurately explain. Many come in frightened, some excited, but most cannot fathom how their lives are about to change. After finding a comfortable position in their new mobility device, a family member pushes them around. Instantly – any fear or confusion melts away and there is a look of joy and awe on the child’s face. They do laps around the inside of the building, and many step outside. Something I came to learn does not happen often for these children because it’s often too difficult for them to be carried outside.   

Kristy Young

The Ripple Effect

Finally – and what I did not expect – is what I call the “ripple effect”. Parents who often could not work can now work because of their child being easier to move about or for others to provide care. Siblings were talking about going to school – often they miss out because they are care givers too. In at least one case, the child fitted into the chair was going to be able to go to school as well. One family indicated they were extremely excited to walk home that day because they had taken an expensive taxi to get there and could never walk outside as a family. Now they could. 

When you donate to ROC – you are helping a child get mobility often for the first time in their young lives. However, you are also helping a family go back to work, go to school, or simply go outside. Joys we often take for granted. It is truly profound what one ROC chair can do. I cannot express the gratitude I feel for every person who has donated to help us do the work we do. 

– Kristy Young

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