New Wheelchair Design
Wow, We Did It!
The team completed the final three sections of the new wheelchair design.
The team knew that today the results of their previous efforts would culminate in a completed new wheelchair design. Mike, Dan, Scott, and Cole worked vigorously to place all the components in the right places. The team searched for and found all the matching materials needed for the project. The project required some disassembly, as with most challenges.

Scott, and mentor Paul, made final adjustments to the axles and installed the wheels. Mike put the completed chair through all the adjustments and the designed positions. Smiles resonated on team members’ faces. I heard Mike saying, “Wow, we did it, and everything works!” The men told the photographer they were happy to know their work would make a child happy and the children would appreciate their achievements.

Want to see all our wheelchairs? See the new Rockit chair here.
What is so amazing about this new wheelchair design?
We can configure the ROCKIT Chair with 3 wheelbase options to address the specific demands of the wheelchair recipient and the environment.
The ROCKIT Chair features many seating and positioning options to provide comfort and support for children with complex seating needs.
The indigenous population can produce the ROCKIT Chair, creating employment opportunities for the able-bodied and disabled.