ROC Your Vacation Testimonials Part 4

A Burden Lifted
Meet Jonathon, a curious and bright 12-year-old child. He showed to the ROC Wheels team the challenges that can be encountered while fitting a wheelchair for children with disabilities and each of their uniqueness.
We assess each child when ROC Wheels distributes wheelchairs, and we partner with physical therapists. With Jonathon, the team quickly understood that he faced challenges unlike the other children. Our Physical Therapist asked to get a Xray to ensure the wheelchair would fit correctly while considering his condition.
Jonathon’s father had carried him to the clinic where the distribution took place. He then carried him to the van and held him while they drove to another clinic to get the Xray.
While all this was happening, Jonathon’s father shared the family’s story and how much heartache they had experienced, but there was hope and joy in the air as he knew how much potential was before them with a gift of a wheelchair.
When they left, it was the first time Jonathon was in a wheelchair and his father walked home with at least a little burden lifted from his shoulders.

A Video Testimonial
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Join us for the next ROC Your Vacation trip or donate a chair.