Mexico Distribution

Gift Of Mobility
We’ve all had to learn new ways to do our jobs, to go to school, even to get our groceries. Planning a wheelchair distribution with a youth team in the middle of a pandemic was really no different. There were many times when we thought it might be best to cancel, to just focus on 2022. However, knowing the impact that a wheelchair has on the life of a child with a disability makes it very difficult to cancel. The staff and board at ROC Wheels and our partners in Mexico tentatively set a date, and we took it one step at a time.
With each step, our travel date loomed closer and the COVID restrictions in Mexico became favorable for travel. Our unusually small youth team boarded a significantly delayed plane bound for Mazatlan on a Saturday in mid-March with our masks, hand sanitizer, and willingness to adapt to changing circumstances.

Building Relationships
Because of restrictions in Mexico, we reduced the number of wheelchairs that were provided so we could allow more space and time for each recipient. The slower pace gave us more time to get to know the families we were serving and the local team we served alongside. While we have grown accustomed to the feeling of productivity that a faster pace creates, this slower pace was a gift from God that opened our eyes to opportunities we may have missed by moving too quickly.
One such opportunity was a story from a father about the impact that the wheelchair would have on his son’s life, but how it had also inspired him to reach out to the families in his community who had even less than they did. Another was simply having the time to observe interactions between our team and the children receiving wheelchairs. Bubble blowing, wheelchair races, and sharing giggles that transcend the language barrier. While we always pray with the families, this year we really had time after prayer to continue talking with them, rather than rushing off to the next task. We even sat and ate lunch with the local team, getting to know each other better, deepening relationships.
Lord willing, next year will be our 15th year partnering with Mexico to provide wheelchairs to children and their families. A resource that is scarce in this area of the world. As our relationships with local physical therapists deepen, our ability to reach more children expands. It is our partnership with you that enables us to do this important work. You are changing lives through the gift of mobility.
Cordial saludo tengo un nieto con parálisis cerebral tiene 8 años no camina necesita una silla especial para la condición de el no tengo recursos económicos para comprarla eh visto como ayudan a los niños donandoles sillas me gustaría que si pueden ayuden mi niño
Hello, on a recent trip to Mexico to a town in a Guerrero Chilpancingo we met a beautiful family that have a child with special needs he just turned 11 years old. I’m not sure of his condition but he has no mobility at all. He is in urgent need of a stroller not sure how kids are chosen but I know this family will really appreciate the help since they don’t have the means. Mom has a difficult time transporting him anywhere they go.