Personal Mobility A Human Right

Personal Mobility A Human Right
Did you know that the United Nations took the steps to classify personal mobility as a basic human right? What does this actually mean? Article 20 encourages state parties to follow standards set by the United Nations Convention of the Right of Persons with Disabilities. These standards assure that mobility equipment is available at an affordable cost, including aids and new technologies in a timeframe that is determined by the person. These standards have helped people like Nujeen Mustafa. Learn about her dangerous journey from Syria to Europe in a wheelchair and how she’s now inspiring others.
I am proud to work for an agency like ROC Wheels that understands the importance of these standards. ROC Wheels recognizes every child is unique and wants to provide them with the greatest possible independence. Next semester, we will work with MSU engineering interns on a new wheelchair design that will help provide a wider range of movement. The personal mobility standards will be a guideline during the design of ROC Wheels’ new chair. This new prototype will help the user stretch, recline, tilt, and even stand up all on their own power.