Youth ROC Testimonials – Pure Joy

Pure Joy
This little girl that we helped was one of my favorite children to work on, and I think many others will agree. I don’t remember her name, but I remember very well what she was like. The wait and fitting process took at least four hours for her and her mother. The reason it took longer than usual was because she needed a walker chair. She was not happy being in one she had to sit in, and thinking back on it that fits her personality so well even though she is so young. She was upset before she had her walker chair (gait trainer), but as soon as she was in it and able to walk under her own will and having wheels and God guide her rather than human hands, her entire personality, and tone lit up the distribution center.
I had never seen such pure joy. After she and her mother having to wait so long, and they were very patient, it paid off. She was jumping and laughing and walking all around. And then she turned to her mom and walked to her, which is something I bet she had never done before. Seeing her mother cry tears of complete joy and happiness made me also cry those same tears. It was so powerful to see such patience and respect waiting and waiting to even get the opportunity to get a chair, and just the little girl and her mother’s reaction made the entire experience infinitely better. It was probably the most heartwarming experience of my life.
– Avery Pena, Youth ROC Volunteer